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We are a team of consultants that have all been on the inside of retail strategy and operations.  We understand the fast-paced and ever changing retail and social landscape.  We understand the necessity for defining a roadmap for growth, but just as importantly, we recognize the importance of building flexibility into the journey.  To do this, we ground our projects in the key to your success: understanding your customers and their value.  We determine the profitability of customers over their lifetime with your brand rather than their revenue for a month.  


This is the way we work.

  • Our experience within consulting and industry across organizational maturity levels, sizes and functional disciplines, allows us to identify actionable insights and drive meaningful results

  • We focus on creating value through customer unit economics (CUE), weaving customer behavioral intelligence into functions across the organization


  • We believe in fact-based decision making with a focus on data intelligence and analytical acumen

  • We believe in a hypothesis driven test and learn methodology, flexing and iterating to improve outcomes as we go


  • We understand the need for speed and employ a  “start-up” mentality to create quick wins while developing longer term solutions

  • We want you to own your success and work with you to transfer capabilities and upskill your team

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